
Logeshwari 4 months ago

" I was travelling with the SKN TRAVELS from Chennai to Salem with my 3-year-old daughter. The staff was very helpful and showed special attention to the well-being of my toddler. I would like to thank the SKN TRAVELS for their courteous attitude. "

Naresh S 4 months ago

" I and my wife were planning to go to Salem. We checked reviews for various private bus service providers and SKN TRAVELS seemed to be a safe bet. We booked our tickets through their app which was really good and we even got a discount. The journey too was very smooth which pushed us to book our return tickets with them. We would like to thank SKN TRAVELS for making our journey memorable. "

Santhosh S 4 months ago

" I recently travelled from Chennai to Salem on SKN TRAVELS. It was a sleeper bus and I felt the bus was very comfortable and the staff was very friendly and cooperative. Great going SKN TRAVELS keep it up. "

Wish you a Happy and Comfortable Journey

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